Translated by Maria Xu Copyright@ In3
胜利就在眼前 而你却看不到胜利!
T(Teacher)(Read from the textbook):Victory is before us But you could never see the victory!
多么的令人遗憾啊 匪军官狞笑地说
T:What a pity! Bandit soldier grins hideously
二排长面对高高举起的屠刀 他双眼喷火 目光带着微笑 把轻蔑的视线投向刽子手
T:Facing the high hold sword, Second Platoon leader has fires and smiles in his eyes, and throws his vision with contempt to the headsman
The gun shots
哎 老师 老师 敌人抓住咱们几个人啊?
S(Student):Hello Teacher Teacher How many our people have the enemy caught?
他 是单数还是复数?
S:Is is an odd number or an even number?
S:Why I feel like there are three pairs of eyes staring at the enemy?
(All students):(HAHAHA…)
这只是一种修辞方法 表现了革命者既无畏 又愤怒 同时充满革命乐观主义
T:It is only a rhetoric, which shows that revolutionary is not only angry, but also fearless, meanwhile full of the revolutionary optimism
哦 老师 那您能这么看我一眼吗?
S:Oh Teacher So may you show me and star at me like that?
(All Students):(Hahaha…)
马车同学 请你不要影响课堂纪律 有问题 可以下课后啊 到办公室找我交换看法
T:Student Mache, Please do not ruin the class discipline If you have any question You can come to my office and share your opinion with me after school
我就是有一点好奇 不知道这三种眼神怎么一起使
S:I am just curious. I don’t know how these three-eye-expressions work together
(All students):(Hahaha...)
有的同学就是爱显示自己 好像自己比谁都聪明 不要一瓶不满 半瓶子晃当 以为谁都不如你
T:Some people really like to show off, acting like he is smarter than anyone. A bottle dissatisfaction, half bottle crash. Do not think no one is better than you
这种自以为是的态度啊 老师最不喜欢
T:Such self-righteousness Teacher dislikes it most
这种人啊 将来也没什么出息
T:Such person has no success in the future
哎 到底是谁一瓶不满 半瓶子晃当 最爱显示自己啊
S:Sigh Who the hell is the one that is “A bottle dissatisfaction, half bottle crash”, likes to show off?
T:If you do not want to listen to my class You can just leave!
不出去 我也不爱听讲!
S:No! I don’t want to leave and I don’t want to listen to your class, ether
T:Now I ask you to leave!
胜利就在眼前 而你却看不到胜利!
T(Teacher)(Read from the textbook):Victory is before us But you could never see the victory!
多么的令人遗憾啊 匪军官狞笑地说
T:What a pity! Bandit soldier grins hideously
二排长面对高高举起的屠刀 他双眼喷火 目光带着微笑 把轻蔑的视线投向刽子手
T:Facing the high hold sword, Second Platoon leader has fires and smiles in his eyes, and throws his vision with contempt to the headsman
The gun shots
哎 老师 老师 敌人抓住咱们几个人啊?
S(Student):Hello Teacher Teacher How many our people have the enemy caught?
他 是单数还是复数?
S:Is is an odd number or an even number?
S:Why I feel like there are three pairs of eyes staring at the enemy?
(All students):(HAHAHA…)
这只是一种修辞方法 表现了革命者既无畏 又愤怒 同时充满革命乐观主义
T:It is only a rhetoric, which shows that revolutionary is not only angry, but also fearless, meanwhile full of the revolutionary optimism
哦 老师 那您能这么看我一眼吗?
S:Oh Teacher So may you show me and star at me like that?
(All Students):(Hahaha…)
马车同学 请你不要影响课堂纪律 有问题 可以下课后啊 到办公室找我交换看法
T:Student Mache, Please do not ruin the class discipline If you have any question You can come to my office and share your opinion with me after school
我就是有一点好奇 不知道这三种眼神怎么一起使
S:I am just curious. I don’t know how these three-eye-expressions work together
(All students):(Hahaha...)
有的同学就是爱显示自己 好像自己比谁都聪明 不要一瓶不满 半瓶子晃当 以为谁都不如你
T:Some people really like to show off, acting like he is smarter than anyone. A bottle dissatisfaction, half bottle crash. Do not think no one is better than you
这种自以为是的态度啊 老师最不喜欢
T:Such self-righteousness Teacher dislikes it most
这种人啊 将来也没什么出息
T:Such person has no success in the future
哎 到底是谁一瓶不满 半瓶子晃当 最爱显示自己啊
S:Sigh Who the hell is the one that is “A bottle dissatisfaction, half bottle crash”, likes to show off?
T:If you do not want to listen to my class You can just leave!
不出去 我也不爱听讲!
S:No! I don’t want to leave and I don’t want to listen to your class, ether
T:Now I ask you to leave!
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