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27th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution (Amendment XXVII)
United States Congress
The Fugitive Slave Act (1850)
United States Congress
Homestead Act (1862)
United States Congress
Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amdended (42 U.S.C. 2000e, et seq.)
United States Congress
20th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution (Amendment XX)
United States Congress
Electronic Surveillance §1809 (Criminal Sanctions)
United States Congress
18th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution (Amendment XVIII)
United States Congress
Section 503 of the National Security Act of 1947, as amended in 2007
United States Congress
Electronic Surveillance §1805 (Issuance of Order)
United States Congress
Indian Removal Act of 1830
United States Congress
Civil Rights of Institutionalized Persons Act (42 U.S.C. 1997)
United States Congress
Electronic Surveillance §1804 (Application For Court Orders)
United States Congress
I.R.C. § 351
United States Congress
Electronic Surveillance §1802 (Authorization Without Court Order)
United States Congress
25th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution (Amendment XXV)
United States Congress
Equal Pay Act of 1963; June 10, 1963
United States Congress
Antiterrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act of 1996
United States Congress
Additional Procedures §1881a (Targeting Of Persons Outside U.S.)
United States Congress
Electronic Surveillance (Exclusive Means By Which Electronic Surveillance and Interception May Be Conducted)
United States Congress
24th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution (Amendment XXIV)
United States Congress
Electronic Surveillance §1811 (Authorization During Time of War)
United States Congress
17th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution (Amendment XVII)
United States Congress
Fair Debt Collection Act
United States Congress
Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990
United States Congress
Social Security Act--Preamble
United States Congress
47 USC § 230 of the Communications Decency Act of 1996
United States Congress
15th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution (Amendment XV)
United States Congress
Northwest Ordinance
United States Congress
Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970, Public Law 91-596, Sec. 2
United States Congress
USA PATRIOT Act, Section 215
United States Congress
Compromise of 1850
United States Congress
“Neutrality Act” of May 1, 1937
United States Congress
Title I — Improving The Academic Achievement Of The Disadvantaged--Sec. 1001 Statement of Purpose
United States Congress
23rd Amendment to the U.S. Constitution (Amendment XXIII)
United States Congress
113th Congress: US House of Representatives
United States Congress
14th Amendment to the US Constitution (Amendment XIV)
United States Congress
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