Title: Slumber Party Panic
[The episode begins in the Candy Kingdom, Jake is playfully chasing Lady Rainicorn.]
Jake: Yeah, you think you're pretty way up there but I can get you! [he stretches to be on Lady's level.]
*Lady Rainicorn says something in Korean*
[Finn and Princess Bubblegum are in a cemetery with a table full of different chemicals.]
Princess Bubblegum: Alright. Let me just add three more drops of explosive diarrhea.
[She adds the explosive diarrhea and a giant cloud shaped like a skull puffs out. Not a good omen.]
Finn and Princess Bubblegum: Oooo...
Finn: Hey Princess Bubblegum, when we bring the dead back to life, will it be filled with worms?
Princess Bubblegum: No. If my decorpsinator serum works, all the dead Candy People will look as young and healthy as you do.
[Finn does a "Tarzan-yell" while hitting his hands against his chest.]
Princess Bubblegum: Pick up that platter, tough guy.
[Finn picks up a serving platter and open the lid, revealing a Candy Person corpse.]
[The episode begins in the Candy Kingdom, Jake is playfully chasing Lady Rainicorn.]
Jake: Yeah, you think you're pretty way up there but I can get you! [he stretches to be on Lady's level.]
*Lady Rainicorn says something in Korean*
[Finn and Princess Bubblegum are in a cemetery with a table full of different chemicals.]
Princess Bubblegum: Alright. Let me just add three more drops of explosive diarrhea.
[She adds the explosive diarrhea and a giant cloud shaped like a skull puffs out. Not a good omen.]
Finn and Princess Bubblegum: Oooo...
Finn: Hey Princess Bubblegum, when we bring the dead back to life, will it be filled with worms?
Princess Bubblegum: No. If my decorpsinator serum works, all the dead Candy People will look as young and healthy as you do.
[Finn does a "Tarzan-yell" while hitting his hands against his chest.]
Princess Bubblegum: Pick up that platter, tough guy.
[Finn picks up a serving platter and open the lid, revealing a Candy Person corpse.]
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