"When will people stop being offended by women showing skin / expressing sexuality? Men take their shirts off / express their sexuality onstage, in videos, on Instagram, anywhere they want to… All. The. Time. The double standard is so boring and exhausting. With all due respect, i think it's time you get your head out of your ass. [sic] Women can love their bodies too!!"
– responding to a commenter who said she was "like a whore" in her "Dangerous Woman" video, on Facebook
"The incredible double standard that we [women] face on a daily basis, in the industry and just in the world, it's shocking. I would be so amused, and pardon me if this comes across as sexist, but I don't think a male artist would be in this position right now. Sorry. If i'm speaking about something that I'm passionate about, I'm willing to take the brunt for fighting in what I believe in and my fellow women are definitely something that I will always be one of the first to speak up about."
"Is this what you think girls have trouble choosing between? … Is this men assuming that that's what girls would have to choose between? … You need a little brushing up on equality over here."
"I have a long list of things I'd like to change … I think, judgement in general. Intolerance, meanness, double standards, misogyny, racism, sexism. You know, all that shit. There's lots we've got to get started on. That's what we need to focus on. We've got work to do."
– responding to the question "If you could use makeup or your phone one last time, what would you pick?" on California's Power 106 FM
"I'm tired of needing to be linked to a guy, I'm not Big Sean's ex, I'm not Niall's new possible girl. I'm Ariana Grande."
– to The Sun
"What I meant when I said what I said about not being Sean's ex is that I am tired of living in world where women are mostly referred to as a man's past, present or future PROPERTY / POSSESSION. I … do not. Belong. To Anyone. But myself. And neither do you … I can't wait to live in a world where people are not valued by who they're dating/ married/ attached to, having sex with (or not)/ seen with … but by their value as an individual. "
"[People] are so ignorant sometimes. Stop trying to make people feel badly about their bodies. It's okay to be different ... to be curvy or to be thin. When did it become socially acceptable to comment on what you think is 'wrong' with other people's bodies? We were having fun! Dancing on stage. 'What's she shaking tho???' I'm shaking my pretty, cute, petite ass next to Nicki's pretty big booty. Both are f---ing awesome. How about we respect people's body boundaries and encourage each other to feel like a babe no matter how they are? That [would] be nice. So tired of watching everyone try to tear each other down."
– on Instagram
"Gloria Steinem published an article in 1969 titled 'After Black Power, Women's Liberation' and 46 years later … we're still not quite there yet! If a woman has lots of sex (or any sex for that matter) … she's a 'slut.' If a man has sex … HE'S. A. STUD. A BOSSSSSS. A KING. If a woman even talks about sex openly … she is shamed! But if a man talks or RAPS freely about all the women (or more commonly used 'bitches'/‘hoes' … how lovely) he's had … he is regaled. If a woman is seen with a friend with a penis, there is immediate assumption of romance or sex and she is labeled!!! If a man is seen with a woman his status is elevated/celebrated."
– on Twitter
– responding to a commenter who said she was "like a whore" in her "Dangerous Woman" video, on Facebook
"The incredible double standard that we [women] face on a daily basis, in the industry and just in the world, it's shocking. I would be so amused, and pardon me if this comes across as sexist, but I don't think a male artist would be in this position right now. Sorry. If i'm speaking about something that I'm passionate about, I'm willing to take the brunt for fighting in what I believe in and my fellow women are definitely something that I will always be one of the first to speak up about."
"Is this what you think girls have trouble choosing between? … Is this men assuming that that's what girls would have to choose between? … You need a little brushing up on equality over here."
"I have a long list of things I'd like to change … I think, judgement in general. Intolerance, meanness, double standards, misogyny, racism, sexism. You know, all that shit. There's lots we've got to get started on. That's what we need to focus on. We've got work to do."
– responding to the question "If you could use makeup or your phone one last time, what would you pick?" on California's Power 106 FM
"I'm tired of needing to be linked to a guy, I'm not Big Sean's ex, I'm not Niall's new possible girl. I'm Ariana Grande."
– to The Sun
"What I meant when I said what I said about not being Sean's ex is that I am tired of living in world where women are mostly referred to as a man's past, present or future PROPERTY / POSSESSION. I … do not. Belong. To Anyone. But myself. And neither do you … I can't wait to live in a world where people are not valued by who they're dating/ married/ attached to, having sex with (or not)/ seen with … but by their value as an individual. "
"[People] are so ignorant sometimes. Stop trying to make people feel badly about their bodies. It's okay to be different ... to be curvy or to be thin. When did it become socially acceptable to comment on what you think is 'wrong' with other people's bodies? We were having fun! Dancing on stage. 'What's she shaking tho???' I'm shaking my pretty, cute, petite ass next to Nicki's pretty big booty. Both are f---ing awesome. How about we respect people's body boundaries and encourage each other to feel like a babe no matter how they are? That [would] be nice. So tired of watching everyone try to tear each other down."
– on Instagram
"Gloria Steinem published an article in 1969 titled 'After Black Power, Women's Liberation' and 46 years later … we're still not quite there yet! If a woman has lots of sex (or any sex for that matter) … she's a 'slut.' If a man has sex … HE'S. A. STUD. A BOSSSSSS. A KING. If a woman even talks about sex openly … she is shamed! But if a man talks or RAPS freely about all the women (or more commonly used 'bitches'/‘hoes' … how lovely) he's had … he is regaled. If a woman is seen with a friend with a penis, there is immediate assumption of romance or sex and she is labeled!!! If a man is seen with a woman his status is elevated/celebrated."
– on Twitter
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