Title: Trouble in Lumpy Space
[The episode begins at Princess Bubblegum's Mallow Tea Ceremony. She, Finn, Jake, Lumpy Space Princess, and Hot Dog Princess are there.]
Finn: [bouncing:] Whoop! Huh?
Jake: [bouncing:] Whoop!
Lumpy Space Princess: [floating:] Whoopiiieee...
Princess Bubblegum: Cheers, Lumpy Space Princess.
[Everyone cheers.]
Jake: Bouncing!
Finn: Princess, this tea party sucks in a big way! But thanks for the invite!
Princess Bubblegum: Oh, don't worry, Finn. The Mallow Tea Ceremony takes years to master.
Finn: Princess! I think I just now mastered it! [Tea splashes in his face.] One more bounce. [Bounces down.] Alright! [Hits the ground.] Unh! Tea partying's hard, huh, Jake?
Jake: [Hits the ground] Oof! Yes!
Lumpy Space Princess: What?! No way! It's super easy!
[The episode begins at Princess Bubblegum's Mallow Tea Ceremony. She, Finn, Jake, Lumpy Space Princess, and Hot Dog Princess are there.]
Finn: [bouncing:] Whoop! Huh?
Jake: [bouncing:] Whoop!
Lumpy Space Princess: [floating:] Whoopiiieee...
Princess Bubblegum: Cheers, Lumpy Space Princess.
[Everyone cheers.]
Jake: Bouncing!
Finn: Princess, this tea party sucks in a big way! But thanks for the invite!
Princess Bubblegum: Oh, don't worry, Finn. The Mallow Tea Ceremony takes years to master.
Finn: Princess! I think I just now mastered it! [Tea splashes in his face.] One more bounce. [Bounces down.] Alright! [Hits the ground.] Unh! Tea partying's hard, huh, Jake?
Jake: [Hits the ground] Oof! Yes!
Lumpy Space Princess: What?! No way! It's super easy!
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