Volsunga Saga - Chapter XXVIII: How the Queens held angry converse together at the Bathing Unknown Author (Ft. Translated by William Morris and Eirikr Magnusson)

On a day as the Queens went to the river to bathe them, Brynhild waded the farthest out into the river; then asked Gudrun what that deed might signify.
Brynhild said, "Yea, and why then should I be equal to thee in this matter more than in others? I am minded to think that my father is mightier than thine, and my true love has wrought many wondrous works of fame, and hath ridden the flaming fire withal, while thy husband was but the thrall of King Hjalprek."
Gudrun answered full of wrath, "Thou wouldst be wise if thou shouldst hold thy peace rather than revile my husband: lo now, the talk of all men it is, that none has ever abode in this world like unto him in all matters soever; and little it beseems thee of all folk to mock him who was thy first beloved: and Fafnir he slew, yea, and he rode thy flaming fire, whereas thou didst deem that he was Gunnar the King, and by thy side he lay, and took from thine hand the ring Andvari's-loom; -- here mayst thou well behold it!"
Then Brynhild saw the ring and knew it, and waxed as wan as a dead woman, and she went home and spake no word the evening long.
So when Sigurd came to bed to Gudrun she asked him why Brynhild's joy was so departed.
He answered, "I know not, but sore I misdoubt me that soon we shall know thereof overwell."
Gudrun said, "Why may she not love her life, having wealth and bliss, and the praise of all men, and the man withal that she would have?"
"Ah, yea!" said Sigurd, "and where in all the world was she then, when she said that she deemed she had the noblest of all men, and the dearest to her heart of all?"
Gudrun answers, "Tomorn will I ask her concerning this, who is the liefest to her of all men for a husband."
Sigurd said, "Needs must I forbid thee this, and full surely wilt thou rue the deed if thou doest it."
Now the next morning they sat in the bower, and Brynhild was silent; then spake Gudrun --
"Be merry, Brynhild! Grievest thou because of that speech of ours together, or what other thing slayeth thy bliss?"
Brynhild answers, "With naught but evil intent thou sayest this, for a cruel heart thou hast."
Brynhild said, "Yea, and why then should I be equal to thee in this matter more than in others? I am minded to think that my father is mightier than thine, and my true love has wrought many wondrous works of fame, and hath ridden the flaming fire withal, while thy husband was but the thrall of King Hjalprek."
Gudrun answered full of wrath, "Thou wouldst be wise if thou shouldst hold thy peace rather than revile my husband: lo now, the talk of all men it is, that none has ever abode in this world like unto him in all matters soever; and little it beseems thee of all folk to mock him who was thy first beloved: and Fafnir he slew, yea, and he rode thy flaming fire, whereas thou didst deem that he was Gunnar the King, and by thy side he lay, and took from thine hand the ring Andvari's-loom; -- here mayst thou well behold it!"
Then Brynhild saw the ring and knew it, and waxed as wan as a dead woman, and she went home and spake no word the evening long.
So when Sigurd came to bed to Gudrun she asked him why Brynhild's joy was so departed.
He answered, "I know not, but sore I misdoubt me that soon we shall know thereof overwell."
Gudrun said, "Why may she not love her life, having wealth and bliss, and the praise of all men, and the man withal that she would have?"
"Ah, yea!" said Sigurd, "and where in all the world was she then, when she said that she deemed she had the noblest of all men, and the dearest to her heart of all?"
Gudrun answers, "Tomorn will I ask her concerning this, who is the liefest to her of all men for a husband."
Sigurd said, "Needs must I forbid thee this, and full surely wilt thou rue the deed if thou doest it."
Now the next morning they sat in the bower, and Brynhild was silent; then spake Gudrun --
"Be merry, Brynhild! Grievest thou because of that speech of ours together, or what other thing slayeth thy bliss?"
Brynhild answers, "With naught but evil intent thou sayest this, for a cruel heart thou hast."
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