*(fades in)*
Scratch it verbally, or we’re gonna know who to kill. We got you in this fuckin’ movie, to exterminate all the lunatics, all at once. We’re the filtering system of God; we’re the psychosemantic police -- you can’t even see us. How in the fuck can you do anything about it? We’re pure intelligence; you’re not. You’re a biological product of the cosmoLOGICal universe! You’re molecular matter; I constructed you, FUCK you. I made you up, you didn’t make me up; you got it backwards. You know who you are? You’re a fuckin’ semantic blockage. That’s what made you up.
You’re a fuckin’ programmer named Christine Gontarek who fucked up. She sucked my cock, fell in love, and she was locked in. She’s gonna get her second chance to suck my cock again. If she turns me down, she’s gonna go straight to Hell. She won’t pass “go,” she’ll never fuckin’ win; she’s the cunt who thought she was God, but that’s okay, I don’t give a shit -- as long as she sucks me off when I tell her, 'cause she’s my zombie. I captured that motherfucker, and she’s my cassette. I want that cocksucker to send me, at least, 50,000 fuckin’ dollars; if she can’t do it, I’ll try $10,000; if she can’t do that, I’ll try $5,000, but that’s it. If you’ve got a dowry of $5,000, come out here and suck me off, do what I tell ya from now on, and you can join me in eternal time. Ya hear me, Christine? You get one more fuckin’ chance. If you got $10,000…
*(cassette stops)*
Hey, you gotta be genuine. That’s the name of this game. If you’re real, you got nothin’ to worry about; but if you’re synthetic, startin’ tomorrow your balls come off. If you’re a fuckin’ Iranian named Alex whatever, you know you’ve lost your cunt to me. Bend over, fuck yourself in your ASS hole. Cause I’m takin’ your A-hole fuckin’ family. They’re purer than you are you spurious offspring of home-Q mooooneEEEYY. You fuckin’ devil’s piece of spit. That’s the size of your mentality: you’re just a piece of spit. You’re not even, fuckin’, a piece of whole American shit. You ain’t reached that semantic value yet. You’re stuck in that fuckin’ sixth frame of the goddamn Mohammedan fuckin’ philosophy. Why you fuckin’ mental midget, you’re just -- oh shit, you’re disgusting. You don’t even understand mathematics, or arithmetic -- anything! You’re a fuckin’ IDIOT on the scale of semantic values. You don’t even know what that is. SPELL IT you motherfucker! Your cunt belongs to me. I’ll fuck you in your ass if I ever see you, you fuckin’ chicken son of a bitch! You were gonna take me on? Come on, get me ya mother fucker. Grab me by my ass and suck me off. But I ain’t gonna cum in your mouth ‘cause you’re DEAD ALREADY you son of a bitch! Get your fuckin’ pinkie fuckin’ spies and get outta here – naw, we ain’t gonna let ya go. I’m gonna tell you how smart you are motherfucker: you fell right in our TRAP. You come to the fuckin’ country of genius, freedom - America - thinkin’ yer gonna con us outta our country? Why, fuck you, you fuckin’ profane BASTARDS (with no fuckin’ capital on that fuckin’ ‘B’). That’s a super fuckin’ discharge -- a MINUS fuckin’ ‘B’. You’re gettin’ graded, you cocksucker; you’re bein' judged; this is Judgement Day. You LOST, you mother fuckers. *(Spits.)* Just like that. You’re not any fuckin’ reality – aaahhhh, any at all – you’re just too fuckin’ valued, that’s all. You’re artificial. That means you don’t even show up. You’re not real; you’re caught in a comic book. You’re Rick Sevicstie. You’re just a fuckin’ pinko commie, MOTHERfuckin’ goddamn hairlip spy. You’re a cassette. So I’ll butcher you, you cocksucker, ‘cause you’re not real but you’re dangerous. So kill every fuckin’ one of ‘em right now. SIIIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEKEEEIIIIIEEEE. You’re zombies. You can’t get outta your frame. You’re caught in a comic book you mother fuckin’ lame brain son of a bitch 'n' goddamn lunatic-tictictictictictictictictictictictictictictic-toctoctoctoctoctoctoctoctoctoc *(claps 7 times).* Time! Time for what? There’s no such thing as time. Why not? ‘Cause, shit, they had to have something to rhyme; they’re all babies. If he’d rhymed it’d make some fuckin’ sense, they thought, but they were wrong -- well, fuck ‘em. They don’t know, they don’t care, don’t tell ‘em so, fuck ‘em. Aaaaaaahhhhh – shut up! They’ll hear ya. They wouldn’t know what you mean. They can’t get outta there, they -- they ain’t got no brain, they got a jelly bean in their fuckin’ head. They call it a brain -- aaaaahhhhh -- that’s not a brain, that’s a jelly bean. It has a semantic value of a jelly beeeeeaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyynnah.
*(Begins singing)* I am the gin of the jaca-di [???] …the tavern on the corner. *(Squawks like a bird.)* I am the gin of gunga din. IIIIIII went to the show with a gunga din so early in the morniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing. I’m an American movie. I’m a groovie movie. I’m a John Wayne movie. IIIIII – biddily -- IIIII am, I am, I aaaaaammm. IIIII am GOd; IIIIIIII aaaammm capital ‘G’ ‘O’ lower case ‘D’. Who are you? I don’t know you. Who in the fuck are you? Get outta here. Get outta here you m-mother fuckers! You like were-wolves? I’m gonna send you some real ones, you cock suckers. Heeeyyyyy you mother fuckin’ faggots, you bastards -- oooooh, fuck you, you cock suckers. You think you made me up? Weeeell I got news for you: I am IRONNNNY. You don’t know how to spell me; fuck, you don’t even know I exist. You think that sets you free? Fuck you. Yooou will ooobey the booounds of RRRRRReality (that’s a capital ‘R’ you motherfucker). You’re illiterate -- to truth. Without truth, there’s no reality, you don’t exist – aaaaaahh -- you’re so fuckin dumb you think you do. But life was a dream for you that passed you byyyyy... You don’t have the mentality of a common household fly. Hey, in the natural world of REALITYYYYYY in the order of a -- a capital ‘D’, lower case ‘i’, ‘p’, ‘t’, ‘e’, ‘r’, ‘a’ – Diptera. ‘Cause you’re just a piece of semantic fuckin’ blockage you little piece of pig shit! CAMEL dung! Layin' on the bottom of the ocean but not quite touchin’ because you ain’t been warshed [sic] clean in ten thousand fuckin’ years and... Hey, if you wanna find the lost, hidden fuckin’ words outta there, buy ‘em from an American: give him some head; if he wants you to suck his cock, get down on your fuckin’ knees; suck his cock, pray to God, say, “Oh, Jesus, I hope he’s an American ‘cause he might save my immortal soul; let him fuck me in my asshole; let him do anything he wants; take my cunts; take my FUCKIN’ money, please; take my wife; hey, take anything; take my camel; she’s a good fuck, I’ve tried ‘em all.” I’m God, the great con artist; I just fuckin’ bullshit ya; I never tell you the truth; you’ll never know what time it is ‘cause I ain’t gonna let ya know. Fuck you! It’s day one. See, I’m a liar; I’m the nigger; I’m the re-nigger of all; I’m the nigger turned inside-OUT, who is white on the outside and black on the inside. So I can check ya all out. And I have you all lost. You’re all goin’ back…
*(cassette stops)*
You’re a se-man-tic flea; se-man-tic parrot.
*(cassette stops)*
And that is called se-man-tic poison. Blockage, cockage, flockage, mooockage, magpie-ockage -- scar-diddly-arrr *(un-intelligible babble).* Eddie Evette -- that’s the name of a psychic pussy cat who got a weird fuckin’ idea one day, lickin’ the cock of Raleigh! Ha! Fore-most-ah! For most only, only only Egyptian soldier -- once the father of you all. I’m not from the South of Egypt, am I? (I said “you all”.) Who in the fuck are you? I don’t recognize you cock suckers. You are not my children. Who in the fuck are you? What are you doin’ on my fuckin’ planet you freeloadin’ mother fuckers? You been eatin’ up your spaceship you dumb cunts. There’s only ladies and cunts. All the ladies know the cunts, but the cunts think they’re ladies! That’s your nigger in that bunch. She’s a nigger! She ain’t a lady; that’s why she likes to be called one. Fuck her, she’s a cunt. Every lady that thinks she’s a lady gets fucked! She’s a cunt, fuck her. Fuck dumb ladies and fuck dumb cunts, or you’re gonna lose your fuckin’ minds! Because somebody has convinced you that you got here on some kind of transcendental line, jackin’ off! You’re wrong.
*(cassette stops)*
Nothin’ ever came out of dead testicles, of unics, ev-er! Every fuckin day… ‘Cause I don’t even have to look at their goddamn face. And that was the whole trick: just don’t look these idiots in the face and let ‘em steal your fuckin’ secrets. Fuck em’, let em do their own god damn work. Now let’s go.
*(cassette stops)*
To be able to do that la-ha-ha-ha-ha-la-slh-sa-lascivici-lashivisi-sa-lasciviously! You see I am an automaton of God. I’m a YOGA-HAAA; I’m a YOGIIII. I am everything because I am the foundation, I am the SOURCE -- of all! “All what,” you say? All of YOU, you mother fuckers. I’m your big Daddy (with a capital ‘D’)! What the fuck are you doin’ spellin’ my name capital “G”, lower case ‘O’, lower case ‘D’? You little mouse minded mother fucker, you remind me of a Mickey! Not a fuckin’ watch! Not a drink! Not a knockout punch! Not a Sunday like 1941. But that’s what the little mouse had done. Mother fuckin’ Disney was a COMMIE ONE. And he says, “come on over here boys, all the suckers are over here.” That was John Wayne. They’re all, at sight of me, just trembling in their fuckin’ patriotic BOOTS! What the hell happened? We lost our country; that’s right, you sure did, you bunch of galoots. YA NEVER TRANSCENDED hip street-talk! None of you East side punks, West side punks, North side stories or, ah, morning glories -- well, what a -- you fuckin,’ bunch 'a assholes, you’re not intellectuals, YOU’RE STUPID! I AM THE MAFIA. Listen to me: I am any fuckin’ thing I say I am; I am, I am. And if you wanna challenge me to a qualification match, put your fuckin’ ASS on the line because I’ll blow your fuckin’ BRAINS out, my funny valentine, if you don’t know the fuckin’ answers -- ‘cause that means that you’re no son of mine and you’re a blas-schemer. It’s a schemer; that’s what a blas-phemer is; it’s a scheme against God -- the highest authority in your fuckin’ world, and the highest authority in mine too. And we’re two panes apart so you can’t fuckin’ blow shit! You’re locked in the paradigm you mother fuckers. Try to blow that atom bomb. It can’t be done. You’re in purgatory you cock suckin’ turds. You’re not even good American shit. You’re just very small, unnourished little pieces of shit! You lost your holy comic books. You went for line drawings and you fucked up, you fuckin’ idiooot. You brainwashed yourself you motherfuckin stupid cock suckers! Because you never studied your Holy Homework! (That’s two capital ‘H’s there! All the rest are lower case in any fuckin’ case.) Supreme Court, you are NOT the fuckin’ supreme court of anything -- except HELL! For the next ten thousand years you will shovel your shit and eat it because you’re on re-feed motherfucker, and it just started backwards and you can’t do a fuckin’ thing about it. The public are gonna take back every fuckin’ thing from you that you took away from them you mother fuckers!
*(from background, orderly comes in.)*
Orderly: Raleigh.
Raleigh: Yes.
Orderly: This is the deal.
Raleigh: Yes, what is the deal?
Orderly: You either cool it down, right now --
Raleigh: Or you’re gonna fuckin’ die!
Orderly: …or you’re outa here.
Raleigh: Oh, you’re gonna put me out? Well, I ain’t leavin,’ mother fucker; now whattaya gonna do?
Orderly: You understand? You understand?
Raleigh: What’re you gonna do to this little kid, huh?
Orderly: You’re gonna go to the psych ward.
Raleigh: Well good, that’s where I wanna go.
Orderly: Yeah -- you’re gonna be right there.
Raleigh: That’s exactly right, and I’ll take --
Orderly: So you better cool it down. You better cool it down right now, I don’t wanna hear anything else outa this room, or --
Raleigh: Or you’re gonna -- WHAT?
Orderly: Or you’re gonna go to the psych ward. This is your last opportunity.
Raleigh: Yeah, okay; I get it, let’s go.
Orderly: Shut your fuckin mouth...
Raleigh: All right.
Orderly: …and don’t make any more waves in the house, otherwise you’re goin’ to the psych ward.
Raleigh: Well, that’s exactly what I’m gonna do -- I’m gonna go to the psych ward, and I’m gonna shoot my fuckin’ mouth off. So get outa here, you’re cuttin’ into my commercial.
Orderly: You understand?
Raleigh: I’M MAKIN A FUCKIN COMMERCIAL! I’m a business man. GET OUTA HERE! You’re tryin’ to get in on this fuckin’ thing -- you ain’t no star, asshole, you’re just a fuckin’ errand boy.
Orderly: *(Laughing)* You -- you’re the craziest son of a bitch I ever met.
Raleigh: Exactly!
Orderly: Now you better --
Raleigh: I’m an American!
Orderly: This is the last warning, Raleigh.
Raleigh: Good! Shut up!
Orderly: *(Chuckles)* Anymore outta you…
Raleigh: Yeah!
Orderly: ...and you’re goin’ to the psych ward.
Raleigh: See? You lie.
Orderly: Anymore outta you --
Raleigh: You don’t eat your feedback.
Orderly: You need to understand that.
Raleigh: I -- I understand that.
Orderly: As long as you understand that, that’s the rules, Raleigh; either you cool it --
Raleigh: Whoever comes in this fuckin’ room, I’m gonna kill ‘em -- that’s what I’m gonna do.
Orderly: Oh are ya?
Raleigh: Yes.
Orderly: I’m in your room Raleigh.
Raleigh: Well, you come in against --
Orderly: I’m in your room.
Raleigh: This is not --
Orderly: I’m in your room Raleigh. I’m in your room.
Raleigh: Well, back out!
Orderly: I’m in your room.
Raleigh: Back out!
Orderly: I’m in your room.
Raleigh: Back out!
Orderly: I’m in your room.
Raleigh: Back out!
Orderly: I’m in your room.
Raleigh: Back out!
Orderly: I’m in your room, fuck head.
Raleigh: Back out!
Orderly: I’m in your room.
Raleigh: Words don’t bother me man; actions do.
Orderly: *(Laughs)* Then do it! Go for it dude.
Raleigh: Well, if you come to me, you’re gonna fuckin’ die!
Orderly: Go for it! Go for it!
Raleigh: That’s right -- I’m not goin’ for nothin’!
Orderly: Go for it! You little fuckin’ wimp.
Raleigh: I ain’t goin for nothin’.
Orderly: You little fuckin’ wimp.
Raleigh: You fuckin’ reach for me and I’m gonna take your arm off, I’m tellin’ ya.
Orderly: Come on! Come on!
Raleigh: I ain’t comin’; you come.
Orderly: Cool it, Raleigh. You understand that? You got it? Either you cool it or you’re outa here. That’s the only choice you have.
Raleigh: Try it.
Orderly: You’re gone dude.
Raleigh: Who’s gonna enforce it? Call the cops mother fucker. Call the cops! I said call them.
Orderly: We got witnesses right now.
Raleigh: No witnesses, call the fuckin’ cops. I’ll call the fuckin’ cops on YOU, you cocksucker, RIGHT NOW.
Orderly: Good.
Raleigh: Nine-One-One
Orderly: Call ‘em. Call ‘em
Raleigh: Just like that.
Orderly: Good
Raleigh: And you’ll never get outta here, mother fucker.
Orderly: Yeah? Come on.
Raleigh: I would like to do an emergency call, please. There’s a psychopathic tryin’ to kill me in my fuckin’ room. Now get them cops over here to 12309 Cantara street, please. He is standing in my door, I told him to get outta here, he tells me he’s gonna put me in the psycho tank -- for makin’ my production here which is a SCIENCE FICTION magazine -- but he’s trying to scare me cause he thinks he’s big, but he’s just a big pile of shit, ‘cause I’ll splatter him all over the fuckin’ wall. I want you to record all of that. That’s a PRE-PROGRAMMING for the police department and send ‘em over here, ‘cause I’m about to kill him in two seconds. Now get them over here as fast as you can, please. I hope you’re recordin’ this. See, I could walk down, and GET the fuckin’ cops.
Orderly: Good -- do that, Raleigh -- do it now. Do it right now; get the cops.
Raleigh: I’m gonna get my fuckin’ wallet. You just keep your fuckin’ hands to yourself -- I’ll tear your arms off, and beat you up your ASS with ‘em! You fuckin’ little snot-nosed-punk fuckin’ mentality -- don’t gimme that fuckin’ shit, you’re a punk. Not a punk, you’re a PUNK! Now -- you call the cops, I’m not gonna waste my fuckin’ time -- get outta here. That’s right, all you -- fuckin’ bitches from behind that fuckin’ mirror -- GET OUTTA HERE! You’re not guests anymore; fuck you, get outa here you mother fucker. I got you all on tape, cock suckers. You’re crazy; you’re outa your fuckin’ mind. Did we get all that shit? Come on…
*(cassette stops)*
Scratch it verbally, or we’re gonna know who to kill. We got you in this fuckin’ movie, to exterminate all the lunatics, all at once. We’re the filtering system of God; we’re the psychosemantic police -- you can’t even see us. How in the fuck can you do anything about it? We’re pure intelligence; you’re not. You’re a biological product of the cosmoLOGICal universe! You’re molecular matter; I constructed you, FUCK you. I made you up, you didn’t make me up; you got it backwards. You know who you are? You’re a fuckin’ semantic blockage. That’s what made you up.
You’re a fuckin’ programmer named Christine Gontarek who fucked up. She sucked my cock, fell in love, and she was locked in. She’s gonna get her second chance to suck my cock again. If she turns me down, she’s gonna go straight to Hell. She won’t pass “go,” she’ll never fuckin’ win; she’s the cunt who thought she was God, but that’s okay, I don’t give a shit -- as long as she sucks me off when I tell her, 'cause she’s my zombie. I captured that motherfucker, and she’s my cassette. I want that cocksucker to send me, at least, 50,000 fuckin’ dollars; if she can’t do it, I’ll try $10,000; if she can’t do that, I’ll try $5,000, but that’s it. If you’ve got a dowry of $5,000, come out here and suck me off, do what I tell ya from now on, and you can join me in eternal time. Ya hear me, Christine? You get one more fuckin’ chance. If you got $10,000…
*(cassette stops)*
Hey, you gotta be genuine. That’s the name of this game. If you’re real, you got nothin’ to worry about; but if you’re synthetic, startin’ tomorrow your balls come off. If you’re a fuckin’ Iranian named Alex whatever, you know you’ve lost your cunt to me. Bend over, fuck yourself in your ASS hole. Cause I’m takin’ your A-hole fuckin’ family. They’re purer than you are you spurious offspring of home-Q mooooneEEEYY. You fuckin’ devil’s piece of spit. That’s the size of your mentality: you’re just a piece of spit. You’re not even, fuckin’, a piece of whole American shit. You ain’t reached that semantic value yet. You’re stuck in that fuckin’ sixth frame of the goddamn Mohammedan fuckin’ philosophy. Why you fuckin’ mental midget, you’re just -- oh shit, you’re disgusting. You don’t even understand mathematics, or arithmetic -- anything! You’re a fuckin’ IDIOT on the scale of semantic values. You don’t even know what that is. SPELL IT you motherfucker! Your cunt belongs to me. I’ll fuck you in your ass if I ever see you, you fuckin’ chicken son of a bitch! You were gonna take me on? Come on, get me ya mother fucker. Grab me by my ass and suck me off. But I ain’t gonna cum in your mouth ‘cause you’re DEAD ALREADY you son of a bitch! Get your fuckin’ pinkie fuckin’ spies and get outta here – naw, we ain’t gonna let ya go. I’m gonna tell you how smart you are motherfucker: you fell right in our TRAP. You come to the fuckin’ country of genius, freedom - America - thinkin’ yer gonna con us outta our country? Why, fuck you, you fuckin’ profane BASTARDS (with no fuckin’ capital on that fuckin’ ‘B’). That’s a super fuckin’ discharge -- a MINUS fuckin’ ‘B’. You’re gettin’ graded, you cocksucker; you’re bein' judged; this is Judgement Day. You LOST, you mother fuckers. *(Spits.)* Just like that. You’re not any fuckin’ reality – aaahhhh, any at all – you’re just too fuckin’ valued, that’s all. You’re artificial. That means you don’t even show up. You’re not real; you’re caught in a comic book. You’re Rick Sevicstie. You’re just a fuckin’ pinko commie, MOTHERfuckin’ goddamn hairlip spy. You’re a cassette. So I’ll butcher you, you cocksucker, ‘cause you’re not real but you’re dangerous. So kill every fuckin’ one of ‘em right now. SIIIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEKEEEIIIIIEEEE. You’re zombies. You can’t get outta your frame. You’re caught in a comic book you mother fuckin’ lame brain son of a bitch 'n' goddamn lunatic-tictictictictictictictictictictictictictictic-toctoctoctoctoctoctoctoctoctoc *(claps 7 times).* Time! Time for what? There’s no such thing as time. Why not? ‘Cause, shit, they had to have something to rhyme; they’re all babies. If he’d rhymed it’d make some fuckin’ sense, they thought, but they were wrong -- well, fuck ‘em. They don’t know, they don’t care, don’t tell ‘em so, fuck ‘em. Aaaaaaahhhhh – shut up! They’ll hear ya. They wouldn’t know what you mean. They can’t get outta there, they -- they ain’t got no brain, they got a jelly bean in their fuckin’ head. They call it a brain -- aaaaahhhhh -- that’s not a brain, that’s a jelly bean. It has a semantic value of a jelly beeeeeaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyynnah.
*(Begins singing)* I am the gin of the jaca-di [???] …the tavern on the corner. *(Squawks like a bird.)* I am the gin of gunga din. IIIIIII went to the show with a gunga din so early in the morniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing. I’m an American movie. I’m a groovie movie. I’m a John Wayne movie. IIIIII – biddily -- IIIII am, I am, I aaaaaammm. IIIII am GOd; IIIIIIII aaaammm capital ‘G’ ‘O’ lower case ‘D’. Who are you? I don’t know you. Who in the fuck are you? Get outta here. Get outta here you m-mother fuckers! You like were-wolves? I’m gonna send you some real ones, you cock suckers. Heeeyyyyy you mother fuckin’ faggots, you bastards -- oooooh, fuck you, you cock suckers. You think you made me up? Weeeell I got news for you: I am IRONNNNY. You don’t know how to spell me; fuck, you don’t even know I exist. You think that sets you free? Fuck you. Yooou will ooobey the booounds of RRRRRReality (that’s a capital ‘R’ you motherfucker). You’re illiterate -- to truth. Without truth, there’s no reality, you don’t exist – aaaaaahh -- you’re so fuckin dumb you think you do. But life was a dream for you that passed you byyyyy... You don’t have the mentality of a common household fly. Hey, in the natural world of REALITYYYYYY in the order of a -- a capital ‘D’, lower case ‘i’, ‘p’, ‘t’, ‘e’, ‘r’, ‘a’ – Diptera. ‘Cause you’re just a piece of semantic fuckin’ blockage you little piece of pig shit! CAMEL dung! Layin' on the bottom of the ocean but not quite touchin’ because you ain’t been warshed [sic] clean in ten thousand fuckin’ years and... Hey, if you wanna find the lost, hidden fuckin’ words outta there, buy ‘em from an American: give him some head; if he wants you to suck his cock, get down on your fuckin’ knees; suck his cock, pray to God, say, “Oh, Jesus, I hope he’s an American ‘cause he might save my immortal soul; let him fuck me in my asshole; let him do anything he wants; take my cunts; take my FUCKIN’ money, please; take my wife; hey, take anything; take my camel; she’s a good fuck, I’ve tried ‘em all.” I’m God, the great con artist; I just fuckin’ bullshit ya; I never tell you the truth; you’ll never know what time it is ‘cause I ain’t gonna let ya know. Fuck you! It’s day one. See, I’m a liar; I’m the nigger; I’m the re-nigger of all; I’m the nigger turned inside-OUT, who is white on the outside and black on the inside. So I can check ya all out. And I have you all lost. You’re all goin’ back…
*(cassette stops)*
You’re a se-man-tic flea; se-man-tic parrot.
*(cassette stops)*
And that is called se-man-tic poison. Blockage, cockage, flockage, mooockage, magpie-ockage -- scar-diddly-arrr *(un-intelligible babble).* Eddie Evette -- that’s the name of a psychic pussy cat who got a weird fuckin’ idea one day, lickin’ the cock of Raleigh! Ha! Fore-most-ah! For most only, only only Egyptian soldier -- once the father of you all. I’m not from the South of Egypt, am I? (I said “you all”.) Who in the fuck are you? I don’t recognize you cock suckers. You are not my children. Who in the fuck are you? What are you doin’ on my fuckin’ planet you freeloadin’ mother fuckers? You been eatin’ up your spaceship you dumb cunts. There’s only ladies and cunts. All the ladies know the cunts, but the cunts think they’re ladies! That’s your nigger in that bunch. She’s a nigger! She ain’t a lady; that’s why she likes to be called one. Fuck her, she’s a cunt. Every lady that thinks she’s a lady gets fucked! She’s a cunt, fuck her. Fuck dumb ladies and fuck dumb cunts, or you’re gonna lose your fuckin’ minds! Because somebody has convinced you that you got here on some kind of transcendental line, jackin’ off! You’re wrong.
*(cassette stops)*
Nothin’ ever came out of dead testicles, of unics, ev-er! Every fuckin day… ‘Cause I don’t even have to look at their goddamn face. And that was the whole trick: just don’t look these idiots in the face and let ‘em steal your fuckin’ secrets. Fuck em’, let em do their own god damn work. Now let’s go.
*(cassette stops)*
To be able to do that la-ha-ha-ha-ha-la-slh-sa-lascivici-lashivisi-sa-lasciviously! You see I am an automaton of God. I’m a YOGA-HAAA; I’m a YOGIIII. I am everything because I am the foundation, I am the SOURCE -- of all! “All what,” you say? All of YOU, you mother fuckers. I’m your big Daddy (with a capital ‘D’)! What the fuck are you doin’ spellin’ my name capital “G”, lower case ‘O’, lower case ‘D’? You little mouse minded mother fucker, you remind me of a Mickey! Not a fuckin’ watch! Not a drink! Not a knockout punch! Not a Sunday like 1941. But that’s what the little mouse had done. Mother fuckin’ Disney was a COMMIE ONE. And he says, “come on over here boys, all the suckers are over here.” That was John Wayne. They’re all, at sight of me, just trembling in their fuckin’ patriotic BOOTS! What the hell happened? We lost our country; that’s right, you sure did, you bunch of galoots. YA NEVER TRANSCENDED hip street-talk! None of you East side punks, West side punks, North side stories or, ah, morning glories -- well, what a -- you fuckin,’ bunch 'a assholes, you’re not intellectuals, YOU’RE STUPID! I AM THE MAFIA. Listen to me: I am any fuckin’ thing I say I am; I am, I am. And if you wanna challenge me to a qualification match, put your fuckin’ ASS on the line because I’ll blow your fuckin’ BRAINS out, my funny valentine, if you don’t know the fuckin’ answers -- ‘cause that means that you’re no son of mine and you’re a blas-schemer. It’s a schemer; that’s what a blas-phemer is; it’s a scheme against God -- the highest authority in your fuckin’ world, and the highest authority in mine too. And we’re two panes apart so you can’t fuckin’ blow shit! You’re locked in the paradigm you mother fuckers. Try to blow that atom bomb. It can’t be done. You’re in purgatory you cock suckin’ turds. You’re not even good American shit. You’re just very small, unnourished little pieces of shit! You lost your holy comic books. You went for line drawings and you fucked up, you fuckin’ idiooot. You brainwashed yourself you motherfuckin stupid cock suckers! Because you never studied your Holy Homework! (That’s two capital ‘H’s there! All the rest are lower case in any fuckin’ case.) Supreme Court, you are NOT the fuckin’ supreme court of anything -- except HELL! For the next ten thousand years you will shovel your shit and eat it because you’re on re-feed motherfucker, and it just started backwards and you can’t do a fuckin’ thing about it. The public are gonna take back every fuckin’ thing from you that you took away from them you mother fuckers!
*(from background, orderly comes in.)*
Orderly: Raleigh.
Raleigh: Yes.
Orderly: This is the deal.
Raleigh: Yes, what is the deal?
Orderly: You either cool it down, right now --
Raleigh: Or you’re gonna fuckin’ die!
Orderly: …or you’re outa here.
Raleigh: Oh, you’re gonna put me out? Well, I ain’t leavin,’ mother fucker; now whattaya gonna do?
Orderly: You understand? You understand?
Raleigh: What’re you gonna do to this little kid, huh?
Orderly: You’re gonna go to the psych ward.
Raleigh: Well good, that’s where I wanna go.
Orderly: Yeah -- you’re gonna be right there.
Raleigh: That’s exactly right, and I’ll take --
Orderly: So you better cool it down. You better cool it down right now, I don’t wanna hear anything else outa this room, or --
Raleigh: Or you’re gonna -- WHAT?
Orderly: Or you’re gonna go to the psych ward. This is your last opportunity.
Raleigh: Yeah, okay; I get it, let’s go.
Orderly: Shut your fuckin mouth...
Raleigh: All right.
Orderly: …and don’t make any more waves in the house, otherwise you’re goin’ to the psych ward.
Raleigh: Well, that’s exactly what I’m gonna do -- I’m gonna go to the psych ward, and I’m gonna shoot my fuckin’ mouth off. So get outa here, you’re cuttin’ into my commercial.
Orderly: You understand?
Raleigh: I’M MAKIN A FUCKIN COMMERCIAL! I’m a business man. GET OUTA HERE! You’re tryin’ to get in on this fuckin’ thing -- you ain’t no star, asshole, you’re just a fuckin’ errand boy.
Orderly: *(Laughing)* You -- you’re the craziest son of a bitch I ever met.
Raleigh: Exactly!
Orderly: Now you better --
Raleigh: I’m an American!
Orderly: This is the last warning, Raleigh.
Raleigh: Good! Shut up!
Orderly: *(Chuckles)* Anymore outta you…
Raleigh: Yeah!
Orderly: ...and you’re goin’ to the psych ward.
Raleigh: See? You lie.
Orderly: Anymore outta you --
Raleigh: You don’t eat your feedback.
Orderly: You need to understand that.
Raleigh: I -- I understand that.
Orderly: As long as you understand that, that’s the rules, Raleigh; either you cool it --
Raleigh: Whoever comes in this fuckin’ room, I’m gonna kill ‘em -- that’s what I’m gonna do.
Orderly: Oh are ya?
Raleigh: Yes.
Orderly: I’m in your room Raleigh.
Raleigh: Well, you come in against --
Orderly: I’m in your room.
Raleigh: This is not --
Orderly: I’m in your room Raleigh. I’m in your room.
Raleigh: Well, back out!
Orderly: I’m in your room.
Raleigh: Back out!
Orderly: I’m in your room.
Raleigh: Back out!
Orderly: I’m in your room.
Raleigh: Back out!
Orderly: I’m in your room.
Raleigh: Back out!
Orderly: I’m in your room, fuck head.
Raleigh: Back out!
Orderly: I’m in your room.
Raleigh: Words don’t bother me man; actions do.
Orderly: *(Laughs)* Then do it! Go for it dude.
Raleigh: Well, if you come to me, you’re gonna fuckin’ die!
Orderly: Go for it! Go for it!
Raleigh: That’s right -- I’m not goin’ for nothin’!
Orderly: Go for it! You little fuckin’ wimp.
Raleigh: I ain’t goin for nothin’.
Orderly: You little fuckin’ wimp.
Raleigh: You fuckin’ reach for me and I’m gonna take your arm off, I’m tellin’ ya.
Orderly: Come on! Come on!
Raleigh: I ain’t comin’; you come.
Orderly: Cool it, Raleigh. You understand that? You got it? Either you cool it or you’re outa here. That’s the only choice you have.
Raleigh: Try it.
Orderly: You’re gone dude.
Raleigh: Who’s gonna enforce it? Call the cops mother fucker. Call the cops! I said call them.
Orderly: We got witnesses right now.
Raleigh: No witnesses, call the fuckin’ cops. I’ll call the fuckin’ cops on YOU, you cocksucker, RIGHT NOW.
Orderly: Good.
Raleigh: Nine-One-One
Orderly: Call ‘em. Call ‘em
Raleigh: Just like that.
Orderly: Good
Raleigh: And you’ll never get outta here, mother fucker.
Orderly: Yeah? Come on.
Raleigh: I would like to do an emergency call, please. There’s a psychopathic tryin’ to kill me in my fuckin’ room. Now get them cops over here to 12309 Cantara street, please. He is standing in my door, I told him to get outta here, he tells me he’s gonna put me in the psycho tank -- for makin’ my production here which is a SCIENCE FICTION magazine -- but he’s trying to scare me cause he thinks he’s big, but he’s just a big pile of shit, ‘cause I’ll splatter him all over the fuckin’ wall. I want you to record all of that. That’s a PRE-PROGRAMMING for the police department and send ‘em over here, ‘cause I’m about to kill him in two seconds. Now get them over here as fast as you can, please. I hope you’re recordin’ this. See, I could walk down, and GET the fuckin’ cops.
Orderly: Good -- do that, Raleigh -- do it now. Do it right now; get the cops.
Raleigh: I’m gonna get my fuckin’ wallet. You just keep your fuckin’ hands to yourself -- I’ll tear your arms off, and beat you up your ASS with ‘em! You fuckin’ little snot-nosed-punk fuckin’ mentality -- don’t gimme that fuckin’ shit, you’re a punk. Not a punk, you’re a PUNK! Now -- you call the cops, I’m not gonna waste my fuckin’ time -- get outta here. That’s right, all you -- fuckin’ bitches from behind that fuckin’ mirror -- GET OUTTA HERE! You’re not guests anymore; fuck you, get outa here you mother fucker. I got you all on tape, cock suckers. You’re crazy; you’re outa your fuckin’ mind. Did we get all that shit? Come on…
*(cassette stops)*
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