Title: Red Starved
[The episode begins in the Desert Lands. The camera pans down a gigantic pillar of sand leading to an underground city. Finn and Jake are at the base of a sand column next to some sand sculptures of soldiers.]
Jake: [moans]
Finn: What's wrong with you, man?
Jake: I ate all the candy in your backpack, and now I'm sick.
Finn: I didn't bring any candy.
Jake: Oh, no. That explains why it didn't taste right.
Finn: Nothing tastes right today. Like, I thought we were going to get into some serious flavor with these sand people, but they're just standing around like garnish.
Jake: That's how I feel—like a dying parsley. So what's goin' on with the spoon? Marceline and the spoon.
Finn: Um... [looks at the spoon on top of the column] nothing. [The spoon is lifted up and comes down.] Wait, there she goes!
Marceline: [invisible] Yo, wake up, sand dude. [taps a sand soldier with the spoon, causing the sculpture to crumble.] I think they're dead. [brings spoon over to Finn and becomes visible] A spoon.
Finn: [takes spoon] Yea-uh. The Spoon of Prosperity!
Jake: It doesn't look like mu—[belches]
[The episode begins in the Desert Lands. The camera pans down a gigantic pillar of sand leading to an underground city. Finn and Jake are at the base of a sand column next to some sand sculptures of soldiers.]
Jake: [moans]
Finn: What's wrong with you, man?
Jake: I ate all the candy in your backpack, and now I'm sick.
Finn: I didn't bring any candy.
Jake: Oh, no. That explains why it didn't taste right.
Finn: Nothing tastes right today. Like, I thought we were going to get into some serious flavor with these sand people, but they're just standing around like garnish.
Jake: That's how I feel—like a dying parsley. So what's goin' on with the spoon? Marceline and the spoon.
Finn: Um... [looks at the spoon on top of the column] nothing. [The spoon is lifted up and comes down.] Wait, there she goes!
Marceline: [invisible] Yo, wake up, sand dude. [taps a sand soldier with the spoon, causing the sculpture to crumble.] I think they're dead. [brings spoon over to Finn and becomes visible] A spoon.
Finn: [takes spoon] Yea-uh. The Spoon of Prosperity!
Jake: It doesn't look like mu—[belches]
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