You fucking cunts. You just spent three whole fucking days sitting here hitting F5. You know how many American Dollars you can earn in 72 hours? And that's with a decent night's sleep. You spent time and energy complaining about the record not coming out and now that it does you won't play $20 measly USD for it? How many games on Steam did you just buy during the Chinese New Year Sale? How many trips to MacD's you make in the last week? How many chai lattes you bought for your girl in the last month? You need to man and up and either lay that debit card down for that Tidal trial or you need to fork up the Andrew Jackson sitting in your wallet that you know you're gonna blow at the strip club tomorrow anyway (we all know your girl left you in the last few days)? You could be bumping to TLOP while getting a lap dance for $40 and ya'll are complaining? Man. Fuck this shit. Ya'll keep bitching and I'll sit here with Chance killing it on repeat.
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