Now who's the strangest bloomin' creature in the world today?
Assumin' that he's humin, we're not sure what else to say
You might say that he looks a proper Swede
With yellow hair and eyes of baby blue
But there's no use complainin'
If he says he's Medit'rain-yin
Then it's true!
Who wears big baggy trousers, with a sash around the waist
And lives on snails and rabbit stew, regardless of the taste
He wears a Maltese hat upon his head
What's different to a turban or a fez
There may be a point we're missin'
So maybe we ought to listen
What he says
Which is:
It takes all kinds - of people in the world
And some of them are chalk and some are cheese
So change your minds - and hats off if you please
'Cause Monty Mundy is Maltese
Who wants us all to fly his flag - a spiky little cross
And vows he's from Valletta, so you'd betta - he's the boss!
He swears he's from a southern land of sun
Although his skin's an English shade of pale
And you can see him pout
When people try to work it out
And when they fail