John Archibald Wheeler once said that time is just nature's way of stopping everything from happening at once, as if the universe had a limited amount of bandwidth, or low RAM, like an early 80's games console
Certainly without time things would make a lot less sense than they already do, and there's a whole host of reasons why time travel wouldn't work
If butterflies flap their wings to make hurricanes, then crash-landing a Delorean in the Cretaceous is gonna derail every little step of the pathway
From the garage where you built the thing in the first place
Back around to your parents fucking before an open fire on their second date
But we're scientists right? Open like new flowers to enquiry, the universe, new ideas and new paradigms
And it might just be that our under-evolved ape brains can't yet conceive the permutations and contortions of logic that could lead from how we understand the world now to how it could be
That the wormholes and shortcuts that might throw Einstein for a loop but make the whole thing somehow, impossibly, inconceivably possible
So, here's the deal. You have a time machine
The question is... What are you gonna do with it?
I'd say it's obvious, you have to make plans
Arm yourself with a paper and pen
Hum your way through every Top 40 hit
Since the hit parade started and make a list
Learn all the words, remember the tunes
Make sure you have it all written down
Set the dial to where you're heading to
The year before Elvis: 1952
Now, welcome to your alternative life
You are the king of rock and roll, insurmountably high
You have the songs, you are the king of radio
You preempt every fashion like you knew exactly which way to go
Certainly without time things would make a lot less sense than they already do, and there's a whole host of reasons why time travel wouldn't work
If butterflies flap their wings to make hurricanes, then crash-landing a Delorean in the Cretaceous is gonna derail every little step of the pathway
From the garage where you built the thing in the first place
Back around to your parents fucking before an open fire on their second date
But we're scientists right? Open like new flowers to enquiry, the universe, new ideas and new paradigms
And it might just be that our under-evolved ape brains can't yet conceive the permutations and contortions of logic that could lead from how we understand the world now to how it could be
That the wormholes and shortcuts that might throw Einstein for a loop but make the whole thing somehow, impossibly, inconceivably possible
So, here's the deal. You have a time machine
The question is... What are you gonna do with it?
I'd say it's obvious, you have to make plans
Arm yourself with a paper and pen
Hum your way through every Top 40 hit
Since the hit parade started and make a list
Learn all the words, remember the tunes
Make sure you have it all written down
Set the dial to where you're heading to
The year before Elvis: 1952
Now, welcome to your alternative life
You are the king of rock and roll, insurmountably high
You have the songs, you are the king of radio
You preempt every fashion like you knew exactly which way to go
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