Season 1 Episode 1: New Dad Insurance Saturday Night Live (Ft. Chevy Chase, Dan Aykroyd & Jackie Carlin)

[Open on close-up of wedding photo of Mom and Old Dad. Pull back to reveal Mom and Son in living room set, as Old Dad, carrying briefcase, comes bursting through the door.]
Old Dad: Honey, I'm home!
Son: [ runs to greet Old Dad ] Daddy! Daddy!
[Old Dad scoops up his Son, sits in armchair and places Son on couch]
Announcer: You have a lovely home, a good job, solid investments, a wonderful family.. everything you need for the future.. or is it?
[big black "X" appears over Old Dad, as he vanishes from the scene]
What if you were suddenly out of the picture? Should tragedy strike, what would happen to them?
[Son waits pathetically for Dad, Mom staring distractedly off into space]
Sure, you've provided for them financially - but what about their emotional and physical needs?
[New Dad, also carrying briefcase, bursts through the front door]
New Dad: Honey, I'm home!
Son: [runs to greet New Dad] Daddy! Daddy!
[New Dad scoops up his Son, sits in armchair and places Son on couch, Mom looking pleased]
Old Dad: Honey, I'm home!
Son: [ runs to greet Old Dad ] Daddy! Daddy!
[Old Dad scoops up his Son, sits in armchair and places Son on couch]
Announcer: You have a lovely home, a good job, solid investments, a wonderful family.. everything you need for the future.. or is it?
[big black "X" appears over Old Dad, as he vanishes from the scene]
What if you were suddenly out of the picture? Should tragedy strike, what would happen to them?
[Son waits pathetically for Dad, Mom staring distractedly off into space]
Sure, you've provided for them financially - but what about their emotional and physical needs?
[New Dad, also carrying briefcase, bursts through the front door]
New Dad: Honey, I'm home!
Son: [runs to greet New Dad] Daddy! Daddy!
[New Dad scoops up his Son, sits in armchair and places Son on couch, Mom looking pleased]
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