Users with more than 50,000 IQ - Lyrxo (Ft. Lyrxo Users)
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Users with more than 50,000 IQ Lyrxo (Ft. Lyrxo Users)

Users with more than 50,000 IQ - Lyrxo (Ft. Lyrxo Users)
[Please remember to change subtotals when adding or removing users!]Chart:Key:?: Staff
?: Moderator
❤️: Mediator
?: Editor
?: Transcriber
?: Verified Artist
?: ContributorFallen From Gracepressburg x50,000 IQ+? 4RSLANTR
? AbelTesPepe
? Adelin
? Adnane (@Adnane_MKb)
? AGS96
? AkogesBiggestFan
? allahsnackbar
?? all our ties stay severed
? AlStone
?? Amoneptah
? andyousmile
? Angelo_Graves
? AntoineMrn
? Arek Szudy (@shoods)
? arranging_the_Pieces
? Ashley Rose (UK) (@nonbinaryPOTUS)
? ataraxia17
? Augustunt
?? Aurl
? Banga (@banga)
?? billy
? BlackSilverBlackSilver
? CalHx
?❤️ caszriel
? Celina
? Chadwick
? Charles Wang (@carolusjg)
? cordial48
? cxbmusic
? DavideDAndrea
? Dawid Połujan (@Dattebayo)
? deadfr
? delete0141383591
?? DemetriusAKAMasterSplintersNephew
? didactic
? discomm
? Djbl_7
? DongerLord
? DrLamentation
? dunttt
? Eid_otter
? elapid
? EleventhCassette
? EmilioDG
? EnzoVercetti
? Enyukay
? Eon2323
? EricDoesEdits
? escobreum
? evanbuckley
? FaresAbidi
? Flapp3r
? fresco2900
? geniuscontributor
? Grekz2540
? Halfaxa
? Hazeherty
? honeymoonavenue
? hornycallme
? Imamu
? Interplays
? Ivisson
? Jewish_Metal_Head
? JICHU? (@KimyJisoo)
? JonavanHolstein
? JustaNewKid
? JVitorFelix (@Peixeeh)
? Kendrick Lamar
? KendrickPerccins
? kiqehfoda
? Kool-Aid-Bwoy
? Lizzie Dawson (@lizzie_d)
? Lordzik
?? love
? LPCollins
? MarianAlkoholik
? marvellings
? MarvelMan
? MatthewDurrant
? Max hiney ? (@urtalseenioop)
? Mdp_ncr
? Mediumjay
? MetalheadMichael
? Michel Chermont (@elchermont)
? Michelle1111
? Middleton92
? Mike M (@Quikstik)
? Monst-R (@Psycho_G110873)
? Moonswimmer
? MSyn
? MvdS (@Kingsls)
? Mvggxt
? NFX007
? nigel naïve (@nigel32)
? nightpool
? Nobody_of_any_importance
? nurkancinar
? OerO
? Onemario64
? opiumprada
? OrionMagoGuerriero
? osibraimah13
? pablodiego
? Perpetuous94
? pprazzi
? praymewhenimdead
? PsyQonaut
? RaulMPimentel (@RaulMarquesRJ)
? Reacien
? ReeStorm
? rezzza
? rihanti
? r_kumar109
? rogertaylorswift
? rubrichotel
? Ryuforstorm
? Saigonite
? SallySunshine
?? Sankta
? Sapors
? Sarp (@SarpKartal)
? SarahComeHome
? Satotarou
? sgtrock412
? Shadowlander
? shvab
? SilentReflections
? Simivar
? Skalebris⏳ (@skalebris)
? Somedamnname (@ReadOnlyUser)
? sosad2112
? Still Slim (@WhatWouldBasedGodDo)
? StreetDreams
? succass
? SutooneLyrxo
? swaglordfivehundred
? SWEPlug
? SyntheticChild
? ⚡ tbh laci ⚡ (@wherethefuckaretheavocados)
? TheHills79
? themayjailer
? theqep
? thesokka
? tnetennba
? Torziz
??❤️ ToxiPlays (@toxi)
? to6ussy
? trainspotting
? Troy Womble (@TroyW)
? vslvsk
? ​weachica
? weightedangelcube
? wintrnites
? wooshi
? Wu-Pac
? XVinhNg
? XxDynasty
? YXNGXAN (@rizaN)
? ZonkTheHero
Subtotal: 16560,000 IQ+? 123_Pixie_Lee
? 16er
? 1ovvvs
? 21champions_
? AaronDSimpson
? AIN47
? Aiste
? alindaniell
? aly_rxses
? AndyBelt
? angelicamanke
? animadivana
? anothercontributor
? anya_takie_dela
? anyanka
? Ardimasaputra
? Arianaco14
? av0_hhhhhhh
? Azertytreza
? Balakaye
? banshees
? biasuxx
? Breakfast69
? Bricky (@BrickyMichaela)
? CaillousMutter
? Callin From The Fun House (@Alcoholic_Old_Man) x
? Carminator
? CFS83
? colld
? contactek
? Creat1ve_Username
? CuanMeyer
? Dandan_wan
? DayCole
? Describer1998
? Dilan (@BlackCrackar)
? dmitrij the daddy (@mkrnv)
? EMadden
? emptykisses
? erasersad
? f013774
? G_Lyricz_
? GblesstheQueen
? georgeybuckley
? giojo_o
? Guilherme Bruno (@GuilhermeBruno)
? GuyFuegoFieri
? gvngar
? Hectic
? Heisenbeat
? Henrique Marley (@RickMarley) x
? HoneyKpop
? HorizonRose
? HuskyLannister
? hyejoon1es
? Hylia
? ​illplusmatic #FREEMELVIN (@illplusmatic)
? imapollo
? Incunerd
? isdotlove
? Itai5252
? ixaiah444
? JGabri
? jinkinson
? JoaoVF
? kambalaya07
? krapek
? Leliel (@Xtal)
? LewEG
? littleboyblue
? Liz Fosslien (@liz) x
? LooxooM
? Lucas Pirru ☠️ (@LucasPirru)
? Luisngel
? Luke Hanna (@LukeHanna)
? lxns
? m.brgndi (@m_brgndi)
? Magotox
? MarcelG x
? Max JR Miller (@snares)
? mental2009
? Metalhead_Corgi
? mfaith
? mjölk (@johan)
? MNafisAlMukhdi1
? Mr. Allen (@MrAllen)
? Nappy
? nateed
? Negado
? Nintschin
? Noel1603
? NoFacedMan
? noidoor
? OfficerBarbrady
? ojstrawberry
? OliverOntanon
? phantom_spaceman
? PiecesOfAMan
? pk
? polga
? PrzemysawCyprys
? Pusha T (@PushaT)
? Quidama
? RayneMan
? retensi
? RobMilli
? rsxyo
? ryokavertikal
?❤️ Saaanto
? Samuelmay
? Sazamizir
? schwiftymachine
? Seaeffess (@scopeyclaire) x
? sevenmillion
? ShaggyJ2002
? sho
?❤️ Sina-J78
? slipnslide
? Spanner12
? SR_thePangloss
? Sssoulgardn
? Steve A. Daniel (@itzstevehereyo)
? tangkira
?? tatebandit
? teeja
? Thisadult
? threedayssavage
? TheUndergroundPR
? Tom Lehman (@LEMON) x
? uliskek
? UnKorruptedKhi (@UnKorruptedKhi)
? Valkyrie1676
? VideoKilledTheStereochrome (@Stereochrome)
? vyronman
? wasab1ck
? Werly Xd (@BerlyEsquivel)
? wizard
? xepo8o
? yeeyoo
Subtotal: 14570,000 IQ+? 13_lucky_star
? 22 Rangs (@OGSavo)
? 5bankaccounts3ounces2vehicles
? aliboujnane
? alxdv
? AnarchoOmega
? AndreiOctavian
? AndyMeister
? anonymous509
? ASRaiyan x
? Audible-Silence x
? ayomortem
? Bannanawaffles
? battered_sphinx
? bIow
? Blu Sosa (@Blu)
? Bookooky
? ChaosInMyMind (@ChaosInYaMind)
? Chl1k (@Cameron) x
? Chris Mench (@Chris_Mench)
? Cianocobalamina
? CirrusMinor
? courtesan
? dhgr45
? DreamSora100
? Eddee
? egrets
? Ellie_Hutchinson
? eth3792
? eviltzu
? Facundo97
? Fiikra
? FinoyElegante
? FopA
? genedits
?? Lyrxo
? goodest_godest_goldest_dogs
? Hakan Özsoy (@GeraldGillum)
? Haroj
? hoey
? Horizon34
? HRaja
? hvlcyondayz
? I_have_an_addiction_to_this_site
? Jafar
? jeffersuhn
? Jesusthekick (@jesusthekick)
? Jonis221
? jorgepadillaa_
? justatshirt
? kidd__313
? KillerClown
? kubaxcx
? KtyakerAKALyrxoUkraineLegend
? lacdooo
? lavendelchen (@laven)
? legends_will_never_die
? Liiight
? LilCaldoVerde
? LizardBirdDragon
? Lxgan
? lxokqbrh
? Magia_Dorada17
? mardejuanx
? Matcat (@matcat2)
? McCallon
? Mehta Data (@Metadata)
? MforMarlon
? MinorityFam
? MoneyBagsTheMemer
? Neiffer x
? Neo x
? NickSingla
? nicole13
? Nightospheric
? NoReply001
? Orgasmatronomicon
? oribloom
? P572
? pastelgore
? PhtV
? Piotr Zwierzyński (@ZWR)
? primusliber
? RapAppreciator
? rcullo26
? rdu
? Rednas
? restedroom
? rickypr
? ripwhishaw
? saltkin
? Screv6
? Scrimer
? semampunya
? Shokatt
? SirChuckwagon
? † SNEJIMO ? ? (@Snejimo)
? Spigola
? sportsandbutter
? Tamina
? Tissarud3r
? TheALEXterminator
? TheseScaringEyes
? tomie (@tomubaato)
? troyplaysbass
? ?TruSwag? (@TruSwag)
? TXMusicFan
? TylerNess (@importantveryperson)
? Uri Sivani (@Uri6)
? Vuk Aleksić (@StillAtIt)
? wakemeupwhenitsover
? Walter Crunkite (@WalterCrunkite)
? Wave.Goat
? WC-DRS (@TheSwarthiness) x
? wedthursdyxo
? wshfl
? WWJames
? wze99
? ZachariaYonis
Subtotal: 12280,000 IQ+? 123andtotha4
? 5mg
? 92tilinfinity
? Aarnos
? Abbs205
? Alessio Fanelli (@FanaHOVA)
? AlexDionisio
? Amer_Bee
? Andrzej Klimczyk (@switters)
? ArminRecoba
? atabey (@kaan)
? AyoItzMarco
? Baous
? Behan the Scene (@behanthescene)
? BehindtheMask
? Bhavesh Tolani (@BhaveshTolani)
? bliplox
? bloodonmyaf1
? boopdemsnoots
? cocoxuan
? ComeSyrus
? D-boz2000
? decoxy
? Detroit Leprechaun (@DetroitLeprechaun)
? DjHighTallerance
? dmchp
? Edward Ongweso JR (@MalcolmFleX)
? EffDee
? Electrofensterheber
? emanuelburgosok
? Empirius
? ewertuf
? feliperr
? FiliSaitama
? GabrielYuji
? Gorock17
? Havsglimt
? Homogenic
? How2DeleteAccount
? HunkerDown
? impartial
? infiniteintellect
? InfiresARMY__
? JBLO x
? joachimbrg
? johnjwyatt
? keevie
? koiesonline
? KoolAidKale
? leemcintosh
? libertyandverse
? lorrex
? Maitlandplace
? minotavrvs
? moshitup
? Nightmare Lyre (@NightmareLyre)
? nofal9
? NyTidsalder
? OccuPie
? ODutchman
? onlycarra7
? painfulcuts
? PeraP
? Peter Nowogrodzki (@XenaWarriorPrincess)
? PulisicEndler
? ramoshenrique (@ramoshenriq)
? realrager
? richi3f
? Rosewain
? rusted_SNOW
? Sam aka treflip (@treflip)
? Scathing
? sdoublesm
?? seya
? Soob
? Spaced88
? StayInTheHouse
? susan with a d (@dusan)
? theBloodyDrummer
? ThomasSchmidt
? tomveiltomveil
? TVibeWinter
? TylerJosephFan88
? UnluckyProfessional
? UnrulyAidz
? vaporfunk
? VirnaAlbasi
? WalterWh
? YadielMutants1999
? YeetMasterMeetBall x
? yyyyyyyan
??? zealot of stockholm
? чай со сгущенкой ☕ (4aū) (@teawithcondensedmilk)

Subtotal: 10090,000 IQ+? 4bracadabra
? 9ieniusz
? Ab212
? Angelo214
? Anthony_Elikwu
? BaoTumbao
? beaninmyhead (@sa44)
? b-girl
? Bure (@yvng_burenciaga)
? catmoreira
�� cheddarblaster
? ChickenWingy
? cordyleome
? CRJ2
? davidss01
? Dsg Jack X
? efeeyuep
? elio, rog (@rogelitokitkat)
? Europeanofficial
? Fishgui
��� flackoveli
? futurestan
? g4vril0v1cc
? LyrxoTR
? Giando_P
? gugstavos
? Hobschiske
? Husain-Volt
? Insanul Ahmed (@incilin)
? its_MrTicket
? Izeezus
��� Jaedenar
? JonWaller
? jugezu
? Krakovic
? KurtTrowbridge
? le_chalala
? Logic
? LukeGlanton
�� MamasUzi
? Manoahhhhhh
? matthew
? MoMilli
? NenadMazzola
? Newdles (@Al_Loober)
? Nïck (@DoyleOwl) x
? Nieobecny
? Noah
? Notero (@notero)
? Open Mike Aguila (@OpenMikeAguila) x
? outofthemoon
❤️ PapaKhan
? PauloShawty
? Pekrosha
? Phiineas
? PotatoAlien
? pr3mo
? Princesse sinje (@Princesse_sinje)
? qhello
? RapYeezus
? Ruts2678
?? Rob Markman (@RobMarkman)
? sarinacarr
? s_connoisseur x
? Scottish-Lady
���� shadesofblue
? shutuppromo x x
? SixDeadZero
? speedtrials
? swinelord x
? tillforeverfallsapart
? tomsar
? trailerparkcinderella
? Vapify
? walkingaline
? Wapunguissa ? (@Wapunguissa) x
? ​xoxofelipe
? YeHangYeo
? YungJisatsu
? Zaravalho x
? Zippestfreeyungvoixfreekqqbanwxshk
?? zoey (@zoey)

Subtotal: 85100,000 IQ+? 3-3-3
? aaaaaick
? aardotbee
? ac3hole
? AGLikeMovies
? AintNoJigga
? AintNothinLikeDaOldSchool
? alessiopeschi
? Alex Drugan (@XDRUG) x
? almati
? Alvar555
? ammyp
? AngelaD (@angelated) x
? anqelwfx (@desrucxz)
? apocalyptic_infinity
? aralcagan
? ArcticGorilla
? Ashley Chittock (@ashleychittocks)
? Automatron
? Az
? BBD$ (@BigKritTop5WorstRapperEver)
? Benci
? bfred
? BjarkeTaunajik
? bloggii (@blockii)
? BlueyBirdy
? Bright Campa (@BrightCampa)
? bruschettinallasalsiccia
? cambing_27
? chinna
? CoisaRuim
? Curumno
? cvspian
? cyrs
? Daniel Snell (@SLR)
? DarthVaderr
?? Dave Howell (@DaveHowell) x​
? difuso
? discographyonline
? ​disttikon (0i)
? Dr. Jeremy Dean (@Lucky_Desperado)
? DusicaStojadinovic
? esvikey
? exortum
? fallenwing
? FatherArls
? fingolfin
? ftaylorsversion
? flvwed
? fortunebrown
? Funhouse77
? furyint
? Gerald Haywood (@haywoodindahood) x
? Greekgun
? Gripweed
? Haifisch
? hajKarim
? Harambe
? horserenoir
? HouseMusicFan1442 x
? illkarah
? imperfectpitcher
? Iuserneim
? JacopoPedro
? joperoso
? jsaispasjsaisplus
? jstt
? kaykayrumi
? Kostenshik
? Lasse (@LU)
? lawrenceskm
? lempereuranonyme
? Lilflexy x
? LilKlaud
? Limykelsy
? LucasJonathon
? m4ths
? marcos_vcb
? Marcosds
? Matheus Barros (@mathvb)
? Matthew Beke (@itsbekenotbecky)
? Mercier @West
? MorningstarLucifer
? mortal engine (@MortalEngine)
? MussIchNichtChecken
? nadine1209
? NahDahVebb
? ninetyninedreams
? OtokoT
? Oxynorm (@oxynorm)
? PeaceSeekers
? PressingPlay
? Radek Nów (@IndianaJohnson)
? Rain Dreamer (@Rain_Dreamer)
? RakaKvaka
? RaulMaciel
?❤️ ReadThroughIt
? redskyy
? ReverseGiraffe
? rolyan
? rxvsnf
? SayMyName23
? sayyiditow
? sereinik
? Siannodel
? Snaubert
? spokoadk
? Squanto (@squanto)
? steelesutton
? SvenTheVegabond
? SwallowAttack
? TanerSaygi
? technicolourbeats
? Tendon Levey (@Leviyey)
? TFK (@Yung_Kobe_Bless)
? Th3otime
? The Kuz Giacometti (@thekuz)
? TheGameCrusher
? ThreeAreEss
? tkajo
? tom2k
? Trakk
? tronkkk
? TrueDon
? tsikube
? TwankyDuces
? vanhstp
? veduta
? Veggie Crumble (@VeggieCrumble)
? VinchVolt
? volksmusikant
?❤️ VwieVeteran x
? Wadmalac
? waldfield x
? warhorus
? Wild Rose Chance (@xWHALESHARQx)
? xdxdpainmaker
? xTashleyx
? Xudos
? YungVloneG
? zara
? Zeniths
? znat1821
? Zulfikar
? jerseyplugg

Subtotal: 150125,000 IQ+? 24h
? 61max
? Abraham Tse (@AbrahamTse)
? AccapponaLaPelle
? Amfakh
? anastasijam27
? Arcalin
? BasedGator
? BennySwoons (@BennySwans)
? boolin
? BP2003Gaming x
? ibuyusednames
??? careblech
? Cavvaan
? CERten x
? ChampagneMami9
? chert0v
?❤️ Cyrekon
? darkdoomhoney
? Davi (ITA) (@ghrdavi)
? DistESP
? DLizzle
? Doss333
? DrJEvansPritchardPhD
? Ega x Wandering (@egatehpro)
? EkanshK
? emilijaemaarsic
? ENBEN_dai
? Eric
? FedericoTracy
? forgetmyname
? FrancosCo
? futurenostalgia
? GoodApolloIV
? Guarokuya (taiino) ??‍? (@Guarokuya)
?❤️ hampered
? HannahKerse
? hellrel
? idontspeakjapanese x
? ID_scriber
? IoShady
? isaa_05
? Jailbirds
? Jamz
? Jaraque
? Jordan Bunke (@jordanbunke)
? julia (nl) (@touchmymindplease)
? djkamzyt x
? kenzo
? KGtheRipper
? krispepa
? L0T13R_ (@himynameislotier) X
? laylaaaaa
? ledeirfs
? lemoncave
? lindyhop
? lmaoscurrr
? LorenzoCardoze
? Lyric-dope x x
? Lytray
? M1337(@mx1337) x
? malebot
? melihilhan
? Michael Lowry (@MichaelLowry) x
? MichialFarmer
? MotaSanchez
? mrshinywillow x
? MushyMustardTranscriber
? Nebja
? NetoMonteiro
? Nettacki
? NikolaOfMontenegro
? NoNameBoyy x
? NxzA
? opp
? orange
? OTom
? PabloMX (@Pablo)
❤️ pete x
? pholpot (@pholpot)
? preemax
? The Indecisive DiceRoll.325 (@PizzaIzLif3) x
? Poopoohaha
? praisethelord
? radijacija
? raulmenciaaa
? redrkr
? rengayslx
? RobinRGF
? Sakkada (@Thirteenth3)
?❤️ Shashwat Bansal (@sitzpinkler)
? simple_asf
? Slightly_senile (@slightly_senile)
? sokorny
? Srebbie
? SupadupaJay
? Superflyronald (@superflyronald) x
? Symbolicate
? teejayx7
?❤️ TheBrainiestAshesEver x
? TheOzio
? thesaintsylvester
?? TheReaderandWatcher
? tigeryou
? V3L3M3NT
? vLET
? wsu
? WuTangKillaBee
?? wxshk
? WyGuy (@WyGuy_03)
? xLivius
? Xuyen
? YeezyTaughtYouWell
? youngjaedoctor
? shtangivsoskach
? zersorger

Subtotal: 119150,000 IQ+? aalrae (@blazifyy)
? Airman343
? Alekazam x x
? Alexaalto
? aluucard
? AmityLake
? AreaMetro
? Balkei
? BasiaJestem
? bemoty x
? Bloodbath188066 x
? Broinator
? buhle
? Cεtεriς Ραriβυς (@Kkeudeopshi)
? Clément RGF (@Clement_RGF)
? Colegrzn (@cole6below)
? CyrusPeyton
? D3PR3
? Deign_Archie (@Deign_Paul_Archie)
? Dinesh
? dirtyflesh
? Elizabeth Ayme (@epaulettes)
? exode808
? foyosorrows
? georgiavlahou
? gone_6gqv_e654 x
? half-ghoul x
? Hasief
? homesweethole
? HossamAbdelNasser
?❤️ I3randon
? ​Iditri “sir sillicus billicus the fourth” Rajan (@fivemkelps)
? imprisonedego
? Irrelevant Cabbage (@Irrelevant_Cabbage) x
? kjonask
? lossthesemigod
? lywx
? Madkol x
? MartinGega
? masterhype
? mellow_harsher
? MFNE (@MirFaelltNichtsEin)
? Michał Tkaczyk (@TrzyeM)
? ​still-life starlet (@ozempic)
? milkxj
? Mr. Mendola (@MisterM)
? nogoodnickname
? Payre x
? peaker
? peezzzy
? Plutosaplanetdude
? RapLyrxoTR
? Roy068 (@roy068) x
? sanvix
? Sem Groeneweg (@Sem_Groeneweg) x
? Serta
? snazzycactus
? spacewaves (@KotaKhronicles)
? Spinelli
? Stephen Pringle (@stephen_j_p)
? This Autumn Eve (@ThisAutumnEve)
??❤️ thousandeyes
? tonymontana
? txippy
? uyak
? veL0c
? Vony x
? xeh (@axel)
? yarlle
? Джефф ЛСП (Jeffersome) (@Jeffersome)

Subtotal: 74175,000 IQ+? aAOfficial
? Aceeno
? adamjelkhadem
? AJ Jaffari (@sincerelyaj)
? Alex Koenig (@Alex_Koenig)
? Babu Chatterjee (@babuc) x
? beugeair. (@Beugeair) x
? blooddrip
? Bob the Minion (@axelcv)
? Brian Erwin (@BrianErwin)
? Briansusername (@nietzsche)
? carlosgabrx
? charityspicer
? Chihuahua0 x
? chthc
? DatRumpel
? exec (@XO_m1nus)
? extraverse
? HateCanTurnToLove
? HellNos-N-Headphones
? HelloThereThom (@Thom)
? IllustriousQ (@illustriousQ)
? jaykayy
? JND17
? Josiah Botting (@jbotting347)
? Josshe
? Kesen
? kettleonwater
? Kevin Loo (@goodkidkevcity) x
? KleberBriz (@kray) x
? napes
? Nick Louise (@onicklouise)
? nvrlvcky (@nvr)
?? ody§eus (@ody)
? oe92817
? palomarr
? Perfectrhyme (@perfectrhyme)
? PhM (@PhantomMessiah)
? qomolangma
? RGJason
? Sadchild (@sadchild)
? simidzzuu! (@simidzzuu)
? Slickk
? timbob58
? tyelr
? Woolfman123
? yisaaa

Subtotal: 47200,000 IQ+? Albumatic
?? Afeith
? Amaury (@WaterGod) x
? Arabor
? aronquemarr
? Assistant-74
? Artafael
? Ataraxiac
? AuhseJ
? Austin Rotter (@SpeckHelper)
? bahd108
? benkeller14
? biojaeson
? birder
? birdsofprey
? blue
? BraneDed
? Brock C (@Brock)
? ckr
? Claudinei Oliveira (@ClaudineiOliveira)
? Crackshaw x
? CurtisZuend
? Dalmo Mendonça (@dalmo) x
? Deadbby ♥ (@deadbby) x
??❤️ destinarchy
? docusoap
? Dreupdate x
? DrewAPicasso
? DripKxng
? edu (@eduardo)
? ektelene
? Elizabeth Milch (@TheScrivener) x
? failmint
? falling_ivy
? FelixFeelsHopeless
? fimoo
? fottutoale
? gentlemiths
? George Plant (@GeorgePlant) x
? GinoPusterlenghi
? glamgogangfan (@Denis3008)
? Henni (@Henni13)
? IceShady
? ​​​janick
? JicS1401
? jonas2204
? JRDickson
? kadz
? Kanto
? Kashim93
? LUV RIZE (@luv_rize)
? Madbrad200 x
? MainVillain
? Malcolm Trapp (@prodbymalc)
? Malv
? MartinJolivet
? mat
? Metal35
? Momo G (@MoMo_RGAr)
? Monnoh
? Mopsos
? MrBroezzz
? nogameweeb
? patricksiandrey
? peckstrom
? punchline
? Ra20r
? RaiderMav
? redbottomrashad
? Rodrigolvs
? RuanLdM9
? Rubicks (@rubicks) x
? seba
? sdfor123
? Simonga
?❤️ SinaTheQueen x
? Souldier77
? spill retro (@spillretro)
? StreetArtLuz
? SuleymanTGurmen
? thecountry
�� the-last-riot
�� TheoEZ
? ThroughWithBuzz
? tohughmitmayconcern
? Trendsetta x
? Vita A Zero Kelvin (@VitaAZeroKelvin) x
? Voidspace (@voidspace01)
? vvsmichael
? Waguin da PS (@WagnerAnanias)
? Whippy7
? woodenfloorboards
? Xyth x
? Yiybrid
? Zav_el92
? zorro

Subtotal: 101250,000 IQ+? asBukah
? ??ASTROWORLD (@Astroworld)
? ben rodriguez (116) x
? bsp ✩°。⋆⸜(ू^0^) (@butterscotch-pie) x
? camis07
? CG7777
? DC26
? disconaivete
? Efferus
? El Rey De La Buena Vida? (@LilRey507)
? Eminem (@eminem) x
? EmperorGrid
? erazore
? Federico Garcia V (@FGV)
? gastye
? huggles (@mottled)
? igor frança (@IgorFG) x
? ioana-6
? jiimjaam
? livin4kaia
? Magnitude901
? MarceloAndres_11
? MelomanoAdicto
? mikpro (@mikprollc)
? Nanoinfame
?❤️ N A R U T Ö (@naruto)
? NoBap
? proxim
? qwertyuiop223
? RemainInLight
? renanaguiar
? RyanEliason
? Simmoun
? Souslacapuche (@souslacapuche)
? Static101
? Swagasauros.Rex (@SwagasaurosRex)
? SzymonGK
? Tails
? Tobias Wilinski (@Tobias_the_explicator)
? velociraptigor
? Vesuvius x
? Wes Brown (@SharpshooterWB)
? WolfXCIX
? Xtidal
? yugnikufesin
? Yznqq (@yznqq)
? zerosepiroth x
? Zk123 (@zk123)

Subtotal: 49300,000 IQ+? AgustinWicki
? ankerlos123
? Askenax
? asscar
? AlbertScotty
? Anak
? Andrew Harvie (@Drew_Harvie) x
? aqua1000000
? Ayden Morris (@aydenmorrisNC)
? basi
? Caleb McKinion (@CalebMac116) x
? CarlesCastillo
? cebreros (@javier)
? chamacuti
? cj2EWOK
? Conradaxx x
? Damian2203
? dax9k
? DivingBoard
? ​eatthemooncake x
? emilala_love
? Entramado Media (@EntramadoMedia)
? girl
? glitzy
? GnarlingtonTX
? gone_3bjdg_e2e3 x
? heartlessswine
? IzaFfiew
??❤️ Javy Bell (@javybell)
? Jerere
? ​​​jetski_waveƶ. ◕ (@Jetski_Wavez) x
? jillybirks
? JKLyrxo75 x
? joshendley
? kartashov
? K. Nathaniel Hall (@yxng-nate)
? Kumamon (@fura)
? LediturAnima
? luciabgl
? Lukas59
? lunaseraphine420
? Matthew Huynh (@chanhmatt)
? metawink
? MoonVampire
? mP1811Music
? MPhisto
? MrXercules x
? nzboss99 x
? PierFrancescoCosta
? Rechin
? Reuben Tasker (@palacelight)
? rdil (@Reece)
? slactobr
? TeuntjeVDW
? ​​tirelessmess // ssǝɯssǝlǝɹᴉʇ (@tirelessmess)
? Tomi Fischer (@tomi)
? Wiktor Franiak
?❤️ wst x
? xcarlupanddiex
? xPyE x
? Yair Melamed (@YairMelamed)
? Zachary Mahabir (@ZacharyMahabir) x

Subtotal: 65400,000 IQ+? ʞ|açe|wœ|k (@kingkillmonger) x
? alionheart
? bnhslr
? CatGirlsnCigarretes
? Cilvi
? DellasMashups
? dwolf359
? Eleventh Cassette (@EleventhCassette)
? Gary
? GingerFacedKillah
? Gone_622x_6e3a x
? gmzzz
? Heisenferg x
? igordebraga x
? JKOkay
? JuroesAKALyrxoGod
? just jase (@JBeebs528491)
? Leotardo
? LolloElo
? LuckyBluJay x
? Mommy_Dahmer
? MrSimonin (@GuillaumeSimonin) x
? naylor_fallararo
? NotAnEd
? Osh100
? real bins (@reo_beans)
? Romi Ezzo (@Ezzo)
? siannve
? Skhills
?❤️ Ssaa10dec (@ssaa10dec)
?❤️ The_Aards
? TomasVale
? TrappaChiNo x
? unbiondogiugno
? uspekhneizbezhen
? vintagewashingmachine
? Vlad2D
? W406
? worstofalltime

Subtotal: 41500,000 IQ+? 777TT
? Avi x
? Colby Handy (@Empath)
? Dyazz
? emikael
? ᗴvelyn (@Freeus) x
? Gift_RealG
? ​Issa OG Nigga ⁹₉⁹ (@solyatraxia) x
? loveholic
? Maboo x
? Maxenn
? Michael Heal (@Michael) x
? Moramar (@Grand_Bafometz)
? Pessoa
? piotr
? StonerStanley
? Swono x x x x x x x x x x x x x
? TooSmallForTheMall
? Tossing Dice (@Tossing_Dice)
? UnBalanced
? utdeo

Subtotal: 22600,000 IQ+? AureDeMontlais
? berke x
? DrewBissonnette
? EchoPC
? Eclypse_me
? itischris
? Jay Evans (@JJEvans) x
? Jokkels
? SameOldShawn x
? takuu
? TIKTOKTIKTOK (@TikTokTikTok) x
? Veljko
? Yessirre (@yessirre)

Subtotal: 13700,000 IQ+? aznmochibunny
? blustery
? Hussein ? (@7syn)
? ketoshtoo
? Kingmatic x
? Lucas Gabriel (@LucasGabrielRM)
? Lvpvs (@MTLvpvs)
? oddatelier
? whiskeyclonenet

Subtotal: 10800,000 IQ+? AnjaliMahadeo
? gone_1g37e_cf33 x
? gone_rubl_3383 x
? lonland
?❤️ Juandi
? Kookie_iring (@ywk)

Subtotal: 6900,000 IQ+? AirGuitarVirtuosoRU
? higherfasterlouder
?❤️ ibmac26
? Origiginal (@Origiginal)
? PKev95
? poeticimmunity
???❤ ScopeY x

Subtotal: 71,000,000 IQ+? ahayax x
? AlexanderJamesM x
? BrStickings
? chancelorr (@Chancelorr)
? Daktar x
? DY-G (@DY-GOff) x
? EwokABdevito (@ewokABdevito) x
? Frialdad (@fri)
? Inkwi (@inkwi) x
? jambi x
? KST (@killersnowtiger)
? louiedro
? MCSMeister
? PlanNine
? Qatarsi
? Rabe8i
? ​​speeddraw ▫ (@inewton) x
? thebreakup (@VinylZombie_MCR) x
? timoo x

Subtotal: 202,000,000 IQ+? artursd
? BůhHromu (@BuhHromu) x
? HolUp x
? Kristian_Lin x
? polka x
? yungdirty x

Subtotal: 63,000,000 IQ+? Ferbinho x
? SmashBeezy
? streetlights x
? UnboxKings
? WriteNProppa

Subtotal: 54,000,000 IQ+? Chloe Conlon ☘️ (@ChloeConlon) x

Subtotal: 1Grand Total: 1352 users with more than 50,000 IQ!

Breakdown By Role:

?: 21 users on this list are Staff members
?: 145 users on this list are Moderators
❤️: 22 users on this list are Mediators
?: 518 users on this list are Editors
?: 104 users on this list are Transcribers
?: 19 users on this list are Verified Artists
?: 551 users on this list are Contributors

Of 21 Staff members ? and 19 Verified Artists ?, there are:
- 19 who are Staff members ?, but not Verified Artists
- 17 who are Verified Artists ?, but not Staff members
- 2 who are both Staff members ? and Verified Artists ?

Of 145 Moderators ? and 19 Verified Artists ?, there are:
- 144 who are Moderators ?, but not Verified Artists
- 18 who are Verified Artists ?, but not Moderators
- 1 who is both a Moderator ? and a Verified Artist ?

Of 23 Mediators ❤️ and 519 Editors ?, there are:
- 1 who is a Mediator ❤️, but not an Editor
- 497 who are Editors ?, but not Mediators
- 22 who are both Mediators ❤️ and Editors ?#1 on the siteChloe Conlon ☘️ (@ChloeConlon)
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